Preschool is where children begin to develop the skills they need to be successful throughout their school years and in life. As parents and caregivers there are a variety of things we can do to help our children develop what are often referred to as metacognitive skills. At Smokey Bear Kiddy College our teachers engage the children in activities to help them develop focus and self-control in the classroom. We are committed to the success of all our children and want to share some ideas with families to help support your child’s learning and development at home.
1. Swap in different words for favorite songs. For example, instead of "The wheels on the bus" try singing "The wheels on the train"
2. Play games like Simon Says and I Spy
3. Play an opposites game. Try dancing slowly to fast music and dancing fast to slow music.
4. Play sorting games while cleaning up. Suggest picking up toys of a particular shape, color or type. For example "Lets pick up the cars first, then the trucks."
5. Try singing songs while waiting in line
6. Find and share books with your child that reflect what your child finds interesting. Mermaids, trucks, spaceships, whatever you child enjoys.
Anytime can be a great time to help your child learn to focus and think flexibly.
Work Cited:
Ellen Galinski. Skill 1: Focus and Self-Control. NAEYC, Message in a Backpack