Early Childhood Development: Building Self-esteem

Free Will is the 4th Priciple of Concious Discipline by Dr. Becky Bailey. Helping our children build self-esteem and will power reduces impulsivity.

"A person’s ability to make choices and commit to those choices is a measure of self-esteem. To really make a choice, you must be willing to accept the consequences of that decision."
– Dr. Becky Bailey
Having the opportunity to make choices shifts our focus from placing blame to finding solutions. When one is aware that they have choices the conversation moves from one of victimization, to one of empowerment in which children are able to own their choices and take some responsibility for them.
"To move to this place of empowerment the focus must be on solutions and problem solving. "
– Dr. Becky Bailey
Giving children the opportunity to make choices, empowers children while setting limits. Dr. Bailey proposes the following language to stop power struggles. Think of two acceptable options and say,
You may ______ or ______ ? What is your choice?
Works Cited
Bailey, Becky, PH.D. (2001) Conscious Discipline. Oviedo, FL: Loving Guidance, Inc.
Jensen, E. (1997) Completing the Puzzle: The Brain-Compatible Approach to Learning. Del Mar, CA: The Brain Store, Inc.

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